I have written a previous blog but have now decided its time to move on from that one.
It was originally started to coincide with my training for the Hydro Active Challenge. I decided to run it as my daughter has Cystic Fibrosis and it was my way of trying to contribute in some way, however, I feel that having completed the challenge its a total bore reporting on training I do at the gym everyday to keep people up to date with what I am doing.
I will still continue to make reports on my daughters health and daily routines and of course any achievements I make in progressing with running distances etc, but I feel its time to put down some other thoughts, Cf and non Cf related.
Today I feel the main reason for changing my blog is because I no longer wish to receive the same audience, I feel sometimes a little worried about expressing my own opinions for fear of treading on someones feelings. I have some issues with peoples concern for pseudomonas presently. Obviously newly qualified CF parents will find such things extremely daunting and don't get me wrong so did I, but with regard to not allowing your child to play and make mud pies in the garden and play with squeezy fish in the bath, in my opinion is extreme and right from the very start I decided there and then never to allow that to happen, and thankfully it hasn't. When Grace was old enough to walk in muddy puddles I bought her some wellies.
The above are my own thoughts only and I am still open to comments or critisisms but in a CF world I am always going to hurt someones feelings with those remarks, but it is a way of getting things off my chest and thats what I set out to do, but instead found constraint.
It was originally started to coincide with my training for the Hydro Active Challenge. I decided to run it as my daughter has Cystic Fibrosis and it was my way of trying to contribute in some way, however, I feel that having completed the challenge its a total bore reporting on training I do at the gym everyday to keep people up to date with what I am doing.
I will still continue to make reports on my daughters health and daily routines and of course any achievements I make in progressing with running distances etc, but I feel its time to put down some other thoughts, Cf and non Cf related.
Today I feel the main reason for changing my blog is because I no longer wish to receive the same audience, I feel sometimes a little worried about expressing my own opinions for fear of treading on someones feelings. I have some issues with peoples concern for pseudomonas presently. Obviously newly qualified CF parents will find such things extremely daunting and don't get me wrong so did I, but with regard to not allowing your child to play and make mud pies in the garden and play with squeezy fish in the bath, in my opinion is extreme and right from the very start I decided there and then never to allow that to happen, and thankfully it hasn't. When Grace was old enough to walk in muddy puddles I bought her some wellies.
The above are my own thoughts only and I am still open to comments or critisisms but in a CF world I am always going to hurt someones feelings with those remarks, but it is a way of getting things off my chest and thats what I set out to do, but instead found constraint.
http://www.livelifethengivelife.co.uk Please take time to consider becoming an organ donor and thankyou for visitng my blog.
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