Thursday, 31 May 2007

Went to the gym this morning at 8.00, I had done a 33 minute run, some abs and arms work and 8 lengths of the pool by 9.40. I had changed and had a shower and was home for just after 10 oclock. I love going early and having a workout so that I still have the rest of the day to myself. Sadly I can only do that during half term. I was trying to get home in time for 10 because Mark was leaving to play golf, but luckily Faye was home to look after Grace until I got home.

It was a wonderful feeling swimming early in the morning and having the whole pool to myself. It gives you time to relax and think, and it is very relaxing after you have just done a 30 minute run. I thought that I would book some swimming lessons for Grace now that she has finished her IV's, she may get through the summer months now without having to have swimming lessons interrupted because of treatments. This came about because Mark and I were having a discussion the other day with regard to the fact that Grace seems to be on so many treatments already at such a young age, and all of the things that she has already picked up makes me wonder if she is going to have worse problems at a young age (for example being put on the transplant list in her teens. I am not being pesamistic, just realistic and looking at the worst possible scenario.

Therefore we decided that we were going to help her the best possible way we could think of and go for the fitness aspect in a big way. She is already very influenced by the fact that I exercise and run regulary and Mark has always played a lot of sport and presently has started going back to the gym and plays golf atleast twice a week now, (there was a lull for a couple of years after surgery on his knees). With that in mind we have also decided that as soon as she is old enough we will pay for a full gym membership so that she can use whenever she wants to.

Grace gets up in the morning and does stretches and sit ups and jogs on the spot, she also does a run round the school field every evening after school and other class mates now do it with her (weather permitting). We also have two trampolines in the garden now, and let me tell you if you haven't done it for a few years, it really takes some getting used to. My friend 'M' and I jumped on it and laughed ourselves stupid! which isn't good when you are forty something and your bladder isn't what it was! 'M' was even in the winning British trampoline squad in 1978 (when they won in America) and still she ached everywhere for the next few days.

We have had a hectic week and today is a day to ourselves, so we are going into town for a browse and then to Starbucks for a coffee. Yesterday Graces friend came for the day and they played in (well trashed the loft) and it took a while to tidy up. They also made cookies and shelled peas.

She is going to another friends tomorrow to play so hopefully I can catch up on some much needed hoovering whilst she is there ( although I will probably take the opportunity to read and slob around)........and finish the cookies!

1 comment:

suzie said...

I so agree with you about the early swim, I've been in the pool by 8-30 and done 30 lengths twice this week, today I dared to try the gym and was much amazed that I could pick up where I left off without needing first aid.

What you reading Gilly? I've just been given 'Cat's eyes' by Margaret Atwood.

Good to hear Grace is into fitness, she has a brill example in her mum.

loadsa love
Sue xxx