Thursday, 12 July 2007

Tuesday 10 July

Well you would hardly believe it was July. Whats going on with the weather? Well actually its because of global warming but I'm not going to debate about that today.

I went to the gym this morning and did a good 37 minutes running. 'M' is in Majorca presently and will be sunning herself until next Monday and the changing rooms are having a refurb so I have not been hanging around afterwards other than to shower.

I did some abs work and I have gone back to leg raises as my knee seems so much better and able to cope with them. Before I was sort of hooking my foot onto the other foot to take the weight of my leg, so that would indicate a massive improvement.

My foot seems to be hurting at the moment, just above my three middle toes. I've come to the conclusion that I have 'flip flop' syndrome. I seem to get it often in the summer and I think it must be because I wear flipflops, I have had to put ice on it.

Grace is ok but still getting breathless when rushing around and up and down stairs. Last night she had a good bounce on the trampoline for about 10 minutes, prior to starting IV's she couldn't last more than a couple of minutes, but we are not sure if she is getting this from the IV's or whether she is just getting a boost from the steroids.

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