Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Azithro update

The nurse came out to collect a sputum sample on Monday morning and generally wasn't very happy with Grace, she requested that we bring her along to clinic on Tuesday at the end of the session if she hadn't shown any improvement.

Tuesday morning she still wasn't great but I hadn't needed to give her calpol. Whilst at clinic she marched up and down the waiting room full of energy and chatter. Dr S thought her chest still sounded rubbish but her lung function was up marginally. I told him that I had stopped the azithro and he agreed with me and then, as the lung function had been so good decided to try alternating days but give her a break until Friday before restarting to see if a pattern formed (that obviously means only vomiting every other day) so she will have to suffer a little more for this week........

As she felt better we decided to make a detour to Tescos instead of taking her home and then that would mean me coming back out to go to Tescos. True to form as soon as we had half filled the shopping basket she couldn't walk anymore and developed a high temperature, typical, when the Dr's saw her she was ok! Anyway Faye had to carry her and I struggled with far more than I anticipated in my shopping basket.

We received a telephone call this morning from BCH, Grace will begin IV's on 15 November before being admitted on 26 for her Bronchoscopy and endoscopy. She will remain there until 28 and then transfer back to Coventry for the last day before IV's finish on 29. She will also have a CT scan whilst in Birmingham.

Grace has also had her wish to go to Lapland granted by the Make-a-wish foundation so there is something to look forward to, but to be honest I wish she had just waited until next year and done the pop festival that she wanted to do originally, hopefully she is really excited about it, but whilst builders are still here and with all the hospital stuff going on, I can't really get my mind on the right wave length.

1 comment:

suzie said...

No wonder you can't keep your mind on track with all thats going on gilly, I found just having builders here was enough to cabbage my head without anything else.

I'm thinking about you and hope they get Grace sorted out in Birmingham, you know where I am if you want a natter or just a vent anytime.

Meanwhile, I'll have a look round the net for a site that we can have a game of scrable on, it is fun and a good chance to take a pause from the daily grind.

Take care hun
Loads of love.