Monday, 22 October 2007

This morning......

Grace continued to lye in bed and be generally very lethargic last night. Eventually she could barely stand up. At about 8.00pm she was very sick and then slept until this morning, although she woke up to take calpol and again when I washed her down with a flannel as after two hours the calpol wasn't doing anything and her temp was still 38.5. Temp is 37.9 this morning and she has taken more calpol, but although she is hungry she can't eat anything and very dizzy and light headed (probably due to lack of food)and still pancaked to the sofa.

She could have a 24 hour bug, or it could be an infection, but for some reason I feel that its the azithromycin. I could be wrong and hopefully it will blow over but something just seems really strange about the whole situation.


Unknown said...

Poor Grace!

We haven't had any problem with azithro ourselves, but it is only recently we have seen on the bottles that you should not take it at the same time as indigestion remedies and we have been giving it with omeprazole. I don't know if it has had any effect, but we have started to give them at different times just in case.

I hope Grace starts to feel better soon.

Mark xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that... we have noticed it and had been staggering when we gave it, also she wasn't on omeprezole when she first developed an allergy.

She is feeling better this evening albeit full of calpol and not azithro.

Hope Sas is doing ok xx