Monday, 12 May 2008

I took Grace to the Dr's this week for a normal ailment, or so I thought. She had sneezed and sneezed for 3 days straight and her eyes were extremely red. She didn't appear to be unwell other than her normal exhaustion episodes, so I presumed that it is hayfever.

The Dr asked if she had been unwell or had a temperature, I said no, but Grace never gets temperatures really above 37.4 which I would consider to be high as she normally averages around 35.4. He also listened to her chest and got quite concerned but I told him that she always has crackles on the bottom left hand side, so he prescribed zirtek.

Grace has taken zirtek for 3 days and the sneezing has slowed up, but has been replaced by really thick green mucous, which then leads me to believe that it may not be hayfever after all. She is currently on cipro and is due to finish it Tuesday when she commences a trial of clarythromycin as a prophelactic.

We have upped her salt intake over the last week obviously, but she is very exhausted and breathless and now the aching to her ankles and wrists and often lower back have been dreadful to the point that she struggles to a standing position when she has been sitting for any length of time.


1. Have these symptoms arrived because of the lowered dose of prednisalone.
2. Is it just hayfever or is it indeed an infection
3. Is it maybe just the hot weather and a combination of the three
4. Should I now leave off the zirtek
5. Should I just put her in the bin

There have also been symptoms of dizziness and headache, but that could be because she doesn't drink enough water, which, she tells me she trys and she is laughing as she says it.

We have had a b.b.q everyday since last Monday, I've never had such and empty freezer. Its nice to have such weather for a change.

The CF community has taken quite a blow these last few weeks and I would like to take time to remember all those who have lost their battle lately. If you haven't already become a donor, then please take time to do so

Thank you

1 comment:

suzie said...

Hey Gilly,

First off I must do a confession thing, I can't do the oyster...I know I know I'm a wimp but I now owe you one, name it.

Now then your post about the gym I have no comment on because I've been a lazy git for a week and a half now. You did tempt me to get a bike thought I'll give you that but I do worry whether the old balance is still up to doing it freestyle - let me know when you try it.

I hope you find out which mix of meds is making a difference for Grace before bin collection day ;-)

And's to BBQ's, you know that saying that starts 'Mad dogs' well thats been us we're all burnt to cinders and sick to death of little black nobbly bits.

Loadsa love Gilly and a great big (((HUG)))
