Friday, 5 September 2008

Back to School

September already!

Grace has gone back to school, and Faye is.... well Faye, has a place at De Monfort University studying Contempory dance, she also has a place at stage school for 3 years with a teaching degree at the end.

We advised her to do the uni degree as its less money and a ucas loan, the stage school is very expensive and a student bank loan.

It turns out that with student accomodation in Leicester, the price of the loans work out about the same. She is desperate to go the stage school but will do the Contempory degree if we feel its a whole world of debt! She will be atleast 20 big ones in debt at the end! Do all students have this amount of debt? its really scary!

I am struggling to advise her as I didn't go to university and I know nothing about performing arts, but I know that she just adores theatre and jazz and white teeth and jazz hands type of stuff, so any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Grace is still well, although she is finding it a tad tough and got a little out of breath this morning whilst trying to hurry in the rain. I think at the moment that this is just an adjustment to a change in circumstances (going back to school and not laying around all day watching spongebob), however, time will tell.

Grace is due at BCH on 17 for an appointment with Dr W and also she is to do an exercise tolerance test, with the lung function people beforehand. This came about at the last appointment because at that time we took the wheelchair so that she could manage the whole day out. As she is much better presently I am just waiting for the smug physio to say 'I told you so', hence the test is probably a waste of time.

I have been to the gym this morning and they have new treadmills, at my usual speed and distance I thought I was going to kill myself! I did stick out however, and am totally exhausted now. The other machines were definitely worn out in comparison, so I might see some significant changes to my physique!

I have been applying for jobs and I have been looking into healthcare. I have applied for numerous positions, because its easy to do it on line, you just do one application and then copy and paste it to whatever job takes your fancy and then hit send. So far, I have been offered one interview but its for a support secretary, having been in admin all of my life, I don't know if I want to continue, its lots of hastle for not much money or job satisfaction. I am also looking into becoming a childminder, that way, I can earn money, stay home and keep an eye on Grace too! I just have to decide if I want lots of jammy finger prints all over my house again?

Kitty kat has settled in nicely and seems to be in love with Mark, she never moves from his side,(and he feeds her toast and slices of chicken sandwich meat for breakfast), she is currently stretched out fast asleep next to him. So I have been redundant in that department also, hopefully if she learns to make him a cup of tea and iron his shirts, I can have more time to myself.


suzie said...

Nice to see an update hunni :D

I wouldn't have a clue what to advise on the Uni question, I'm guessing (and this is only because we are so rubbish with finances here) that I'd say to anyone follow your passion if its at possible. I know its not as cut and dried as that though.

Good to hear Grace is keeping well, hopefully it will just be the change in routine and the horrid weather eh!

Well done you for going on the super duper new machines at the gym, I've fallen out with my exercise routine for the moment and use every excuse possible to not go there;-) As for kitty, she's in love with Mark because he gives her nice food while curled up on the couch instead of stuff out of a tin served on the cold floor. They're not daft....oh no!

Good luck with the job hunting and stick it out for what you fancy doing because you'll gain so much more feel good factor in the end.

I'm going now or you wont fit any more comments on this page.

Much love Gilly.

Unknown said...

Gill, first take a look at this....

Simply put, unless you are very wealthy all students will have to get a loan and will be in debt, BUT it is what is classed a good debt. It is at a low rate and will be the best loan Faye will ever have. You don't pay anything back if you earn below 15,000 when you leave Uni and what you do pay back is proportionate. It is inflation dependent, Eg, a bit like saying what you pay for a trolley load of shopping today you will pay back the equivalent for a trolley load in future at future prices.

Student loans are considered "Good Debt". So try to avoid the "Bad" ones such as "Bank Loans" and especially "Credit Cards".

You may want to tale a look at the forums on Martin's site too with regard to student debt or try putting "Student Loans" into the search box.

Hope Grace does well.


Gilly said...

Thanks for that information Mark, but because the Faye wants to do the dance and musical theatre course its a private school and not eligible for a student loan, hence the only one available is a career development loan through the bank..... its worrying me sick, I really am struggling to understand it all.... i'll let you know as soon as I do