Thursday, 11 September 2008

Oh dear what can the matter be!

Grace had to take a treasured posession to school today for R.E. I suggested she take in her acapella but she said "by no means do I treasure that thing"!

Instead she took in a bear that belonged to me, but I gave him to her to help her through difficult times because he is very old and qualified in sympathy.

His name is Poo and he is 44, a bit battered and a bit sewn up in places, due to an eye falling out and his arm being pulled off and once my niece vomited on him after eating a curly wurly (curly hurly more like) so he had to have a bit of a trip to the launderette.

Anyway Grace told me all about it when she got home, and told me in detail all of the things she told the class about the bear. I then asked about things that other children had taken in, and there were lots of bears and Grace was most impressed by her friend Charlie, she had brought in her HSM book and inside there was a song that she had written herself. Grace said she sung the song to the whole class! and she sang it beautifully and she had an amazing voice. Charlie has been separated from her Mummy recently because she has had to have an operation and had to stay quite a long way from home. I know that she will be home on Saturday, but I just wanted to say - I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you should be very proud of Charlie.

The other thing that Grace told me was that she got locked in the school toilet today and was there almost an hour before anyone noticed that she was missing from class. The teacher then had to stack things on a chair to climb up high enough to reach over the door to get it open. Poor Grace was shouting help for ages and she even tried to squeeze under the door! and unfortunately no one came to the toilet during her whole ordeal! Thank goodness for Vivienne whom eventually remembered Grace hadn't returned to class.


charlietiggerific said...

Oh poor Grace!! Charlie said she nearly got stuck in the toilet the other day!
Thank you so much for your note! Brought a tear to my eye! Was so proud of Charlie when she told me she was going to sing! Big brave girl!

suzie said...

Bless her for not panicking at being locked in the loo, I know I would have gone berserk myself, I dont do closed in very well. Well done Grace, big (((HUGS))).

Charlie sounds like a little star, how brave of her to get up and sing, I was smiling and a bit choked when I read that.

Much love Gilly, I'm off for a swim now before I forget how to do it ;-)