Thursday, 18 September 2008

I Defy you not to be cheered up by this!

Grace said some children from year six sang this in their assembly last week and had no idea what it was. I showed her this on Youtube and since then we have sung it every morning whilst getting ready for school and even now I still can't stop laughing at it.

I have been making my first Christmas cakes today (last year went terribly down the pan due to Grace being so ill) but I'm back on target and up and running again now, obviously I sang manamana! the whole time I was making them, i'll be singing it in my sleep soon!

It really cheers you up.



suzie said...

That cracked me up, I feel a certain familiarity with the mad one ;-)

I'll have that in my head for ages now.


Unknown said...

Muppet's! (a phrase oft heard in these parts hehe!)

Anonymous said...

It certainly made me smile - thanks