Monday, 30 April 2007

Last day of April

Its been a hectic week, so much so that I haven't been to the gym, and this morning was no exception. I have so much to do that I have been out for a run on the road because I just haven't had time to make my way to the gym.

I have to go to the bank and its Fayes birthday tomorrow and I haven't done any shopping for her yet (not that I have any idea what to get).

Grace is at clinic tomorrow to try her test dose of tobi (which reminds me I also have to go to the pharmacy to pick it up today. She has been a little under the weather but not too bad. She has complained about her tummy alot the last few days and he bowels are a bit hit and miss but they always are when she is on cipro. Today I have started her on co-trimoxazole because we have run out of cipro and she has been on it for 6 weeks now. She is very hoarse and tight chested at the moment and sounds very croaky although she isn't coughing really, its just her endless streaming nose at the moment.

I feel sure that she will be put on IV's but we have decided that we are going to attempt school this time. It should be easy enough if she has her midday dose at 4.00p.m.

I ran for 22 minutes out on the road today, and it was quite comfortable apart from the fact it was hotter than normal, so probably could have ran longer if it was a mild day. Anyway I have the bug for it again now and I am sure I will be out on the road every other day again soon.

Grace is due in BCH on 16 May also. Judging by the way she is at the moment though, I can't see her coming off prednisalone. We have been running around the perimiter of the school field for about 10 minutes every night after school and she spent all day yesterday on a trampoline so hopefully her lung function will be impressive. We'll have to wait and see.

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