Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Positive attitude

I found it hard to sleep last night as the events of the day were still wizzing around in my mind. I feel sometimes helpless that I can't control some events. I am glad that I stayed calm and didn't get angry with anyone, after all they are just doing their job and I would complain if they poisened Grace because they weren't being thorough.

I know that it will all be sorted out today and that I worry over nothing, well not even worry really, it again is just the fact that I can't control things and make sure that the cipro was given to me without problem and now the Tobi situation looming over us.

So I was up very early and found myself logged into the computer when I came across Emilys post.

She made me think of the humerous side of the situation and the fact that Grace is here and doing well and nowhere near the situation people such as Chris and Lisa are presently and indeed Emily just a few months ago. This positive attitude is something I hope Grace will attain and I will strive to help her achieve it, so I must remember to stop dwelling on such things and remember that they are just hurdles in a day.

With that in mind I got up and put my new trainers on and ran and ran, I did a good 25 minute straight run on the road, at the end I felt great and did some tummy work and a few stretches upon my return, and bathed my feet because the new trainers hurt like hell! I took Grace a drink of water in bed and she said I was the best Mummy in the whole world...............

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