Thought it was about time I did an update......
We went to Barcelona for a few days over Easter. The reason we originally went was because our friends daughter was in a European dance festival. However, they couldn't tell us where their accomodation was until two days before we left and we decided to just arrange our own and make our own way to the dance festival.
We met with them at the airport only to find out that they were based in Lloret de mar, thankfully we had booked a lovely hotel near the Marina in Barcelona itself (I went to Lloret when i was a teenager and it nearly put me off Spain for life).

We had already planned to take Adam to the Barcelona football ground as he is an avid fan of Thierry Henry and it was his birthday whilst we were away (Adams not Thierrys... well it could have been, I don't know).

Our hotel was really nice and we looked right over the marina and was above a whole bunch of seafood restaurants. We got a train and a taxi from the airport and it was very easy to get to our destination.
We visited an aquarium, did some shopping, ate out loads, went to the football ground, did an open top bus journey, went on a cable car, drank coffee in Las Ramblas (a bit like our Covent garden) and went to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. We had so much shell fish that I think there might be a shortage for this summers tourists. It wasn't wonderfully warm, we needed coats, but it was much nicer than being at home.

Grace had a great time,she found it very tiring and we haven't done much this week at her request. Yesterday we did a bm test as she was a bit lethargic after going for a walk with her brother and sisters at Coombe Abbey (a local beauty spot) it was 6.00pm she hadn't eaten since 2.30 and we thought we should do the test before she ate. It read 6.1, I presuming that that was ok, I can't quite remember, but we logged it anyway with the reason for testing. She has quite a dirty cough at the moment, which is unusual for Grace, coughing is something that is not high on her list of problems, but the breathlesness is slowly sneaking back in. I am wondering how long it will take her lungs to get back to the state they were in before her bronchoscopy.
I haven't been to the gym for a week, but I am going tomorrow morning and really looking forward to it, especially a swim.
As for the dance festival, they did really well and won some cups and medals. Shame we didn't get to see any of it, but we had a great time all the same.
I will put some photos of Barcelona on the blog, but they are from my phone as I forgot the camera.
Sounds like you all had a lovely Easter weekend! I'm off travelling i Europe after my placement ends (first week of September) and in the process of haphhazardly planning where me and two of my mates will be inter-railing too. I think Barcelona is on our hit list, anywhere in particular you would recommend visting?
I hope Grace starts to feel better soon, nobody likes to feel lethargic and tired all the time.
Giving her a cheery wave x
Glad to hear you had a fab time Gilly, I only got back to the gym yesterday myself after 2 weeks of shirking.
Big (((HUGS))) for Grace.
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