Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Yesterday I went to the gym. I was supposed to meeting 'M' but she wasn't there. So, left to my own devices I went a bit beserk. I did only 25 minutes on the treadmill, well 32 including warm up and cool down, but I upped my speed considerably. After that I took the opportunity to use the cross trainer for 15 minutes and worked my way up to level 10.

Whilst on the cross trainer I watched another gym member try out the new exercise bikes, they are quite tall and look like racers (I have a bit of a thing for racers and have been trying to get one at a reasonable price, because these days they are extortionate!) it looked really interesting so I just had to give them a go..... and I loved it and couldn't bring myself to stop. I started at level 2 and just kept going up and up and up..... and stopped at level 10 because I thought of the serious after effects that I might encounter today, and sure enough I am struggling to sit down, my legs are stiff beyond belief, but I feel great.

Tommorow, as 'M' won't be there until Friday, I decided I might try one of the classes, and I've decided to try the 'body pump' class, its sort of like exercising to music using light weights. Whilst Grace was having her swimming lesson on Monday I was talking to one of the 'Mums' who said that it was effective very quickly, and she could see toned results much faster than cardio, and the weights are quite light so there wasn't a big amount of effort involved......So watch this space for 'super woman'

On the subject of Graces swimming lesson, I made a complaint on Friday as whilst I was swimming I noticed that the mats that are designed to stop people slipping around the pool edge absolutely stunk! you could smell them from atleast 3 feet away. I explained that it is dangerous for childrens chests because of the bacteria, and can cause serious infection to any children, let alone children with such problems as Grace.

When she went for her lesson Monday, there was no change and the swimming instructor kept the class at the other end of the pool and well away from them, she also mentioned she had had a bad chest since she started working there and couldn't seem to shake it off. There is also a little girl in Graces class with chronic asthma.

I again complained and they said they would phone me to let me know when the problem had been rectified. They smell because they haven't been lifted and cleaned the whole area needs washing down with disinfectant and the mats need to be scrubbed with a brush, now as I pay £12 per month for Graces membership and that is beside the swimming class charges, I'm sure they could manage to pay someone a bit of over time to clean the mats. Anyway if its not rectified by the end of the week I will cancel her membership and stop her from doing something she absolutely loves because people just can't be bothered.

Grace finishes half day today, and she definitely needs it, she was very tired this morning and she has been coping ok for the last few days, but it seems to have caught up with her and is in desparate need of a rest, so hopefully she will take heed and sit around and do nothing this afternoon, easier said than done with Grace, funny though, the other 2 of my children could manage it with ease, especially when you struggling down the loft stairs with a dustbin bag full of mega bloks and the bag splits!

1 comment:

suzie said...

I'm off for a swim just now and will be examining the mats.....bloody disgusting that is. I'll be interested to see how this new class goes they have it at our gym but I'll wait and see what you think before I have a go.

Take care Gilly, well done you for the exercise thing. (((HUGS))) for Grace.