Wednesday, 30 April 2008

What is this country coming to?

Yesterday I went to visit 'M' after the gym, she didn't join me as she was feeling a little under the weather and its her birthday today.

Whilst I was there, her son phoned from school to say that someone had threatened to beat him up afterschool and was then told that his cousins, brothers and relatives generally, had be phoned to join him. They had also found out that he was planning on going home early and that the teacher had given him permission to leave immediately to avoid the issue.

We had to drive into school to get him, and whilst waiting for the automatic doors to open, saw a car full of youths brandishing base ball bats and big metal bars - right outside the school gates!! We had to drive back out with him lying on the floor of the car so that if they saw us again, then they wouldn't follow us home.

I know it was outside of the school grounds but surely the school could have phoned the police? This is a much sort after school in our city and people pay ridiculous house prices to live in the catchment area.

I was most shocked and when I got home, I was nicely calmed down by taking Grace for her first piano lesson which she thouroughly enjoyed and it didn't make her get out of breath once.

Later that evening a member of Marks staff phoned to say that he had been held a knife point whilst armed robbers stole the days takings after kicking the door in whilst he was cashing up.

I hate this country, theres nothing great about it. Maybe we will move in the next few years, there are too many ties presently, but this city does nothing to impress me presently.

I have been thinking about my list Suzie and I haven't made it anywhere near 10 yet, but here are a few to be going on with-

1. Learn to play the piano - (Grace and I have just started piano lessons)
2. I would also like to go to Rome ( I have been to Barcelona recently and I have
one Newyork too)
3. I would like to do a degree
4. I would like to do atleast a half marathon
5. Live by the sea

Grace would like to -
1. Learn to play the piano
2. Go to China, Japan or Thailand
3. Become a scientist

Clearly we are still working on it......

1 comment:

suzie said...

Blimey Gilly that make's for horrific reading and took me back years to when our Mike and a couple of his mate's got jumped on by a crazy mob carrying baseball bats. The poor lad and his mum must be mortified by whats going on.

We have a couple of similar things on our lists, I too would love to go to Rome but the prices at the moment even for a mid-week break are ridiculous an I'm not paying it.....Oh nooooo. I'll wait it out. I'd love to run a 5k, you have that one under your belt :D

Take care hunni, loadsa love and a great big (((HUG))) to you and Grace. Good to see she's aiming high with her list.